VAN TASTIK Unleash New Album ‘Church of the Fallen Reverend’

Experience the “Dark Delta Rock” of VAN TASTIK this Halloween as they unleash their debut album “Church of the Fallen Reverend,” an audacious blend of Punk Blues, Blues Rock, Gothic Gospel and Dark Country. “Church of the Fallen Reverend” showcases VAN TASTIK’s commanding gospel-style vocals, primeval mastery of guitar, and unconventional instrumentation. It weaves a sonic

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THE DAMNED FEW Premiere Their New Single And Music Video ‘Someday’

Someday is the second single from The Damned Few’s upcoming debut album, to be released in 2024. After the previous single, Til Death Do Us Part, this song shows the other side of the band. Someday was written in 10 minutes by frontwoman Dion Legebeke while lying on the couch. She says, “Some songs just come out

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I SPY Release Their Epic Double Album ‘While The War Began’

In an era where most things are fleeting and today’s heroes are forgotten tomorrow, I Spy is releasing a new double album, While The War Began. The idea for this album was hatched at a time when nobody foresaw the onslaught of digital media. Needless to say, it has been brooded upon for

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DIRTY SOUND MAGNET Brengt Nieuwe Single En Muziekvideo ‘Lonely Bird’ Uit

Het nieuwe album Dreaming In Dystopia verschijnt op 20 oktober 2023 via Wild Thing Records.  Europese tour is aangekondigd: dit zijn de BENELUX-data! Het Zwitserse psych rock trio Dirty Sound Magnet brengt hun nieuwe single Lonely Bird uit.Het is de derde en laatste single van het vierde full-length album van de band, Dreaming In Dystopia. Het album wordt op 20 oktober

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MORPHINE RIDGES Premiere Their Debut Single ‘Route 36’

MORPHINE RIDGES have given us a very convincing introduction to their music: their new single and video, Route 36 is a perfect forerunner of the colder months, as it’s easily getting us into a blurry melancholic mood. Route 36 is a nocturnal soundtrack for a smirking drifter. Navigating between haunted

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