Hungarian melodic metallers ESPERFALL have released their long-awaited new music video, Nature Of The Disease (The Second Advent). The track is the heaviest and most aggressive track on their album Origins In Darkness.
The intensity of emotions stems from the pain and fear of a chronic illness that affects the person mentally and physically as well. Just like in their song Retreat Into Dreamland, the lyrics are a conversation between the sufferer and the illness itself. However, in this case, the person tries to fight back and refuses to identify themselves with the illness and refuses to accept the fact that the disease could take control of their life. In this song, we hear a true warrior who is in pain, struggling, and very aware of the self-sabotage that goes hand in hand with the disease but refuses to stop fighting. The fast-paced vocals express the rage and impatience but also the excruciating despair, showing the primal nature and fragility of the human mind at the same time.
The title of the song reflects the process of gaining the ability to unravel the true nature of the illness that is debilitating the protagonist of the story. Using this knowledge allows the person to fight this malady more effectively and slowly step onto the road to healing.

PREMIÈRE: Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys – ‘Howl’
Howl – een uitdagende en verwoestende, pakkende en snijdende laatste single van de aankomende LP Heaving. Het is zowel uitdagend als verwoestend – een aangrijpend